Sunday, April 29, 2012

Is God Missing in Action?

God is everywhere. I believe that, hence the name of this blog. However, if this is true, that God is everywhere, then why does it seem that He may now be missing in action? Read the headlines and it appears that God may be absent on global, national, local and even personal levels.

So why is He silent?

When a grenade was hurled into a church in Nairobi, Kenya, killing one and injuring others, where was God?

When two year old Ayla Reynolds disappeared from her home in Maine, where was God?

When fifteen Christian worshipers were gunned down by radical Islamist in Kano, Nigeria, where was God?

The list could go on and on. I am quite certain you could even include events from your own life that would lead to the same question; where was God?
I hope to explore this question over the next few weeks. My aim is not to answer the question as to God’s where-about but to try and understand why His noticeable absence may be.

I have already formulated a theory, but it is in an infant and overly-simplistic form. It needs to be nourished in order to develop. I hope to use this blog as my laboratory and sounding board. Together, I hope to see that God is not missing in action. In fact it is quite the opposite. Staying within the analogy of war, it is us, mankind, who have become prisoners of our own war. And we don’t even know it.

The cause of our P.O.W. status…time.

We don’t have enough time for our self-centered, narcissistic selves, much less enough for God. We fill our lives with excuses about a lack of time, or not “the right time”. This very blog is a great example of time excuse. When I decided to try authoring a blog I was aware that it would require dedication, opinions and some writing skills. I also knew that it would require my time. Well my friend, my time is precious. It is a dwindling commodity. I am stingy with it. So this blog, which is about God, a devotion to God if you will, should be the recipient of my most precious moments of time, yet I have neglected it woefully.  And the excuses that lead to the neglect were easy to manufacture, after all I only have to answer to myself. Right?

The ingredients of this exploration include, in addition to time, relationships, marriage and family. I am certain that other ingredients, spices, will be needed along the way. It is like preparing the perfect stew, adding seasoning up to the very last moment to create the perfect flavor that flows over our taste buds. What I hope to avoid is the blandness that comes from under-seasoning. Under-seasoning in this case is stepping lightly around the truth. If I don’t face it, then how can I share it with you? And then how could we ever come to find the answer to, “Is God missing in action”?

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