Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Time Continues

Time consumes me. I awake when it is time to. Then comes the time for breakfast; time to get on the road; time to start work and then time to catch up. Wasting time, I will never finish. Suddenly it is time for lunch, but I’m short on time, so I will have to skip it today, I need to make up some time. Time drags, will quitting time ever get here? Too much time spent in traffic. Time to make dinner; just enough time before it is time for my favorite show. Now time to spend with the family before I spend some quiet time with God.
Tomorrow I will do it all again, if I have the time.
Time is everything.
Does anybody really know what time it is? (Does anybody really care?)
Is there really quality time.... only time will tell.
Passing time, killing time, tracking time...all in good time.
Good times, bad times.
Time well spent, wasting time.
A time to live...
The words of King David, “My times are in your hands.”  I wonder if David’s times were as malleable as my list. The words immediately following his declaration read, “deliver me from the hand of mine enemies, and from them that persecute me.”  From the enemies hand into God’s hand! David’s first thought, after finding himself in God’s palm, was that of his enemies.  When we have enemies, foes, opponents, it doesn’t matter what we call them, they consume our thought, and they devour our time. We fret over them, always looking over our shoulder to see how close they may be.
As with any great king, David’s enemies were many. They were ruthless warriors that would cut him down if given the chance. Our own enemies, hopefully, are defined much differently. But the fears they impose, imagined or real, are just as powerful. The dread lasting well into the night, they climb into our bed, making it impossible to rest even for just a moment. After pitiful amounts of sleep I wake up and they are waiting for me. Stealth is not in their description; no, they are forthright in their pursuit. Their missions are many, their goal to destroy, their target...time. Each foe we face has the ability to destroy our time. Time that should be spent creating, achieving, sharing or growing is stolen away because of our fear. The casualties we may experience go beyond any financial concerns, beyond worries about health, even ahead of relational regards. But lost forever is the time destroyed by the enemy.
David’s first time is fear.  But through faith he placed his fear in the hands of God.
“My times are in your hands.”
What other times are there? Too many to count, but we will explore them, learn from them, and then place them in the hands of God.
The verses just prior to David’s declaration;
“But I trusted in thee, O LORD: I said thou art my God.”
No greater claim can be made than to declare thou art my God!  So with trust, faith, love and recognition of my God, David placed his times in the hands of God.
Time? What times do you have? Which ones are you holding on to?

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