Monday, May 6, 2013


A slight change of course is in order, an unscheduled break from working on my short story novel.

Last night I was preparing for a Bible study, I read the 31st Psalm, A Psalm of David. It was in the fifteenth verse that my course of dedication to the new book was altered. It begins, “My times are in your hands;” (NIV). These six words spoken by King David to God had a remarkable impact on me. Quite often I will read a verse or passage in the Bible that brings comfort, thought, joy or even fear. I spend time meditating over the words when this happens. But with Psa. 31:15, I immediately knew that it would require more than a few moments of meditation to understand David fully, to enrich my own knowledge and bless my own soul.

“My times are in your hands,” David declared. My mind instantly wanted to understand “times”. The psalmist follows up albeit quietly, refusing to explicate. The beauty of this verse should not be concealed in mystery.  As I read his words over and over, my desire to know more increased.

I am blessed to be able to teach from the Bible twice every week. The studies are structured and beholden to calendars and clocks, and that is okay. But with this verse, “My times are in your hands”; I knew I wanted to spend as much time as needed to understand, to savor and to live the words of King David. So over the next few days or weeks, or however long the Lord decides to tarry in his enlightenment I plan to meditate upon them and share my thoughts here. I hope you will come along with me. I covet your feedback, your thoughts and your critique.

I also covet your prayers.

These words, “My times are in your hands”, have moved me so greatly because of times in my life now. Times are changing. Changes that require much thought and ultimately decisions that must be made. The details are not important now, they will come with time. I can tell you this, I have spent much time in prayer, waiting for an answer, and none would come. I know why now. God lead me to this verse for a reason; to understand Him more fully helps us to understand His answers for our lives. His timing for us is always perfect, I believe He has an answer for me, but understands that I am not ready for this answer. Not until I understand that my times are in His hands.

So the journey begins here, I hope you will come along. 
I did find this hymn today written by William Freeman Lloyd in the 19th century. The answer may be as simple as the song-
My times are in Thy hand;
My God, I wish them there;
My life, my friends, my soul I leave
Entirely to Thy care.
My times are in Thy hand;
Whatever they may be;
Pleasing or painful, dark or bright,
As best may seem to Thee.
My times are in Thy hand;
Why should I doubt or fear?
My Father’s hand will never cause
His child a needless tear.
My times are in Thy hand,
Jesus, the crucified!
Those hands my cruel sins had pierced
Are now my guard and guide.
My times are in Thy hand,
I’ll always trust in Thee;
And, after death, at Thy right hand
I shall forever be.

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